1. All of the doctors who attended the dinner.
2. Me and our wonderful pediatrician. We all swear she's an angel. She sees a lot of sick children daily, and is on call for every cesarean section, and any emergency that she is called her.
Greetings! Woohoo! I finally figured out how to put pictures on the blog!
It's crazy that we are already in the middle of November. Man, these last couple of months have gone fairly quickly for me, I don't know about you. In Iowa this time of year, it gets cold, we get out our sweatshirts, hats and coats out. Actually, here in Honduras we are doing the same, it just doesn't get quite as cold! :)
I have found myself busy with work and surrounding events. This month we celebrated "dia del medico," or Doctor's day. This year I actually got involved, as time slipped up on us, and we about didn't get anything planned. But a few skits, a few songs sang, a nice delicious catered meal, and we had her done. A bit of a stressful week as it was all last minute, but it turned out okay, and I think the doctors enjoyed it.
I also got myself involved in helping lead a girl's group from church. It's just a few young girls that get together. We eat, we do a little Bible study/discussion, maybe a craft, and have a time of prayer. I do pray that this group, however insignificant it might be, will be of help to some of the young girls as they grow up in a society that has a lot of pressures to look the right way, a lot of sexuality in the society, and just lack of programs that encourage healthy self-esteem.
Other than that, I got to take a trip to the coast to look at another missionary hospital here in Honduras, which is a bit newer, more rural, etc. It was a nice experience to see another model, and talk with other Americans doing health work in Honduras.
I am also starting to really examine my life and decide what is the next step, as my term ends in February. As of now, I am planning to go back to Iowa, spend time with my family, hopefully find a nursing job there, and we'll see where God leads from there. I appreciate your prayers in this matter. Where does one place herself after 2 years in a completely different culture? Where and doing what? I ask myself, what do this 2 years mean for my life in the future? Will they impact my career decisions?
It's the holiday season, I am missing my family again, would have enjoyed a trip to be with them for Christmas. But it was a tough call, being that my term is almost coming to an end. All things one has to take into consideration. I am trying to focus on making the last 4 months good ones. I want to spend as much time as I can with the people I've learned to love, and try to focus on the present, instead of worrying so much about the future. I suppose the future will come soon enough.
Blessings to all of you! I hope your Thanksgiving is a good one!
Love Malerie
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